Accelerators Research Division (AR), 1961 - 1966

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A. Schoch

In 1956 on the recommendation of the Director-General, C. J. Bakker, the Scientific Policy Committee endorsed the proposal to set up the Accelerators Research group, which was finally approved by the Council at its sixth session.

In 1957 the Accelerators Research group was established, as part of the Proton Synchrotron (PS) division, in order to undertake research on the design of future machines. It remained quite small until the end of 1959, when the PS entered into operation, after which more resources were transferred to this area.

In 1960 after the completion of the PS accelerator, several members of other PS division groups joined the AR group, whose scope was at the same time enlarged to include more general studies of as accelerators and related instrumentation technology.

In 1961 the AR Group became the AR division. Some specific studies were started by the AR staff on two possible future CERN projects :

K. Johnsen
C. J. Zilverschoon
A. Schoch
On 1st January 1967, the AR Division was transferred to the ISR Construction Department.
Access to fulltexts of reports : 1961  1962  1963  1964  1965  1966  
Last modified
18 July, 2020