Archives of Super Proton Synchrotron records, SPS : Annex

Archives of Super Proton Synchrotron Division, SPS: Annex

Identity Statement | Context | Content and Structure | Conditions of access and use | Description control | Database

Laboratory II file boxes | SPS file boxes | LEP file boxes | SL file boxes |

J B Adams collection | M Crowley-Milling collection | V W Hatton collection |
W C Middelkoop collection | B de Raad collection

Laboratory II file boxes [Top]

LabII Minutes 300GeV Design Committee, Organization, Information, Safety, Management board, Machine Running-in Committee 1970 - 1070 O0121 to O0124
LabII-BT Chronofile, Scientific notes, Specifications 1971 - 1976 O0125 to O0131
LabII-CO Chronofile, Electronics Hardware, Standards handbook, Specifications, Technical notes 1972 - 1982 O0132  to O0139
LabII-DI-PA Technical notes 1971 - 1975 O0141
LabII-DI-PL Chronofile, Planning construction SPS 1973 - 1976 O0142
LabII-EA Chronofile, Working group on target stations, Specifications, Technical notes 1972 - 1975 O0144 to O0146
LabII-MA Chronofile, Budget, Equipment magnets, Specifications, Technical notes 1961 - 1977 O0147 to O0149
LabII-ME Technical notes, Specifications 1972 - 1975 O0151 to O0152
LabII-ME-IN Chronofile, Inventory (main ring layout, tunnels layout, straight sections, girders), The Organization of the LabII (study by F. Guyonnet: specifications), Minutes machine installation committee, Minutes installation meetings, Minutes site installation meetings 1971 - 1989 O0153 to O0223
LabII-PS Chronofile, Specifications, Technical notes 1971 - 1976 O0224
LabII-RA Chronofile, Specifications, Technical notes 1971 - 1976 O0225 to O0229
LabII-RF Chronofile, Equipment Siemens 200 MHz Powerplant, Specifications, Technical notes 1971 - 1975 O0231 to O0233
LabII-SA Chronofile, Technical notes 1971 - 1975 O0234
LabII-SI Chronofile, Minutes of installations meetings, Specifications, Technical notes 1971 - 1976 O0234 to O0241
LabII-SU Technical notes 1970 - 1974 O0234
CERN-Lab Technology notes 1974 O0242
LabI-EA Note, Minutes 1974 - 1975 O0503
LabI-MU Specifications 1973 - 1975 O0503
CERN-LabII Permis de construire 1976 - 1978 O0609

SPS file boxes [Top]

SPS Commissioning, Improvement reports, Divisional reports, Organization SPS-SL, Management board, Safety, Technical committee, Minutes antiproton design committee 1976 - 1990  O0243 to O0259
SPS-ABM Chronofile, Instrumentation documentation, Technical notes 1977 - 1988  O0301 to O0304
SPS-ABT Chronofile, Specifications, Technical notes 1975 - 1989  O0305 to O0316
SPS-AC Chronofile, Staff matters, Specifications, Technical notes 1976 - 1982  O0317
SPS-ACC Chronofile, Equipment Norsk Data computer manuals and chonofile, Equipment VME bus (Modular Crate System), ACC meetins, Specifications, Technical notes 1972 - 1989  O0318 to O0331
SPS-AES Chronofile, Standards handbook, Specifications, Technical notes 1978 - 1988  O0332 to O0334
SPS-AMR Chronofile, Equipment G64 microprocessors, Specifications, Technical notes 1976 - 1989  O0335 to O0342
SPS-AMS Chronofile, Technical notes 1987 - 1989  0343
SPS-AOP Chronofile, Technical notes, SASD (Structured Analysis and Structured Design) and OS (Operating System) notes 1976 - 1989  O0344 to O0355
SPS-APS Chronofile, Specifications, Technical notes 1976 - 1987  O0355 to O0356
SPS-ARF Chronofile, Specifications, Technical notes 1976 - 1989  O0357 to O0402
SPS-DI Chronofile, SPS secretariat, Analysis of staff activities, Specifications, Technical notes 1976 - 1989  O0403 to O0414
SPS-DI-MST Chronofile, Technical notes 1980 - 1986  O0415 to O0416
SPS-EA Chronofile, Specifications, Technical notes 1976 - 1989  O0417 to O0426
SPS-PCO Chronofile, Specifications, Technical notes 1987 - 1989  O0427
SPS-PPbar Construction UA1 - UA2, Workshop on PPbar, LSS5 services handbook, Planning PPbar activities, Installation meetings LSS4 1979 - 1983  O428 to O0431
SPS-SEL Technical notes 1977 - 1981  O0432
SPS-SFL Chronofile, Specifications, Technical notes 1977 - 1986  O0432
SPS-SME Specifications, Technical notes 1976 - 1989  O0433 to O0437
SPS-SU Technical notes 1979 - 1981  O0438
CERN-TIS-HS Chronofile, Technical notes 1976 - 1992  O0438 to O0439

LEP file boxes [Top]

SPS-ACC LEP Controls notes 1981 - 1989  O0441 to O0442
CERN-ISR-LEP Divisional reports 1978 - 1982  O0443
CERN-LEP LEP Divisional reports, LEP Notes  1977 - 1990  O0444 to O0455
CERN-LEP-TH Chronofile, Meetings, LEP Design studies, Seminars 1978 - 1989  O0456 to O0501
CERN-LEP Commissionning notes, Performance notes 1989 - 1992  O0502
CERN-LEP-CO Minutes of LEP software working group meetings 1989  O0502
CERN-LEP-BI Technical notes 1983 - 1989  O0714
CERN-LEP-TH Technical notes 1982 - 1989  O0715
CERN-LEP-PC Technical notes 1983 - 1989  O0716 - O0717
CERN-LEP Parameter notes 1982 - 1986  O0718
CERN-LEP-RF Specifications 1982 - 1988  O0718

SL file boxes [Top]

CERN-SL Divisional reports, SL-MD notes, SL safety, specifications, SPS-LEP Performance committee, Technical committee, Technical notes  1990 - 1996  O0511 to O0601
CERN-SL-CO Chronofile, Minutes SPS-LEP Control meetings 1991 - 1996  O0602 to O0603
CERN-SL-DI Chronofile 1990 - 1996  O0604
CERN-SL-PC Chronofile, Specifications, Technical notes 1990 - 1996  O0604
CERN-SL MD notes, Safety 1997 - 2000  O0608

Adams file boxes [Top]

LabII-JBA The 300GeV proton synchrotron project 1954 - 1973  O0611 to O0627

M Crowley Milling collection [Top]

LabII-MCM Chronofile 1976 - 1977  O0628

V W Hatton collection [Top]

LabII-VWH Measurements on steel, SPS operations, Educational grants, Technical Topics, SPS performance statistics, Access control activities, SPS-EA control room, Diairies on meetings, SPS software project, Pocket diaries 1967 - 1990  O0629 to O0639

W C Middelkoop collection [Top]

LabII-WCM Management board, CERN pension board, Senior staff advisory committee, SPS management board, Correspondance, High-voltage thyratrons, Target stations, The SPS and LEP injector 1970 - 1990  O0641 to O0657

B de Raad collection [Top]

LabII-BdR Correspondence 1977 - 1990  O0658 to O0713
Last modified
20 July, 2020