Submit your data, code, software

CERN Analysis Preservation

CERN Analysis Preservation (CAP): CERN Analysis Preservation (CAP) is an internal service for researchers to preserve and document the various components of their physics analyses (e.g. datasets, software, documentation) so that they are reusable and understandable in the future. By using this tool, researchers ensure that these outputs are preserved, findable and accessible by their collaborators in the long-term.

CAP uses existing collaboration tools and a flexible data model, and it is designed to be easily integrated into researchers' workflows. The service provides standard collaboration access restrictions so that the individual users and collaborations are in full control of sharing their results.

For submission, sign in to CAP.

CERN Open Data Portal

CERN Open Data Portal: The CERN Open Data portal allows experiments to share their data. It currently contains over two petabytes of HEP experimental collision and simulated datasets, software, configuration files, and virtual machines. Data are published on the platform after embargo periods, which are specified by data policies of each individual LHC collaboration. The service captures extensive metadata to describe the complex materials on the portal to ensure preservation and discoverability, and includes usage instructions, related software and other supplementary materials along with the release of data to enable reuse. All uploads are shared under open licenses and are issued with a digital object identifier (DOI) to make them citable objects in the scientific discourse.

For submission, see the About page.


The Durham High-Energy Physics Database (HEPData): HEPData is a repository for publication-related high-energy physics data that is run in collaboration by the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology at Durham University in England, and CERN. It comprises data points from plots and tables from relevant publications and mints persistent identifiers for them.

For submission, see the Submission steps.


Zenodo: Zenodo is a multi-disciplinary open research repository hosted by CERN and commissioned by the European Commission through the OpenAIRE project to support the Open Data and Open Access movements in Europe. Data, software and all research related digital artifacts up to 50 GB in all formats and from any stage of the research lifecycle can be submitted. All uploads are assigned with a digital object identifier (DOI) to make them citeable. Zenodo provides leading features such as versioning and metrics as usage statistics. The integration with GitHub allows automatic archival of software releases. 

For submission, see the Upload page.

Last modified
5 August, 2020