Archives of Relations with Member and Non-Member States Service

Identity Statement [Top]

Reference code(s)

CERN-ARCH-DSU-DO-01-1-01 to CERN-ARCH-DSU-DO-01-5-01


Archives of Relations with Member and Non-Member States Service


1955 - 2002

Level of description


Extent of the unit of description

57 items, 25 boxes, 3 linear metres

Context [Top]

Name of creator

Jarlskog, Cecilia, Head of DSU-MS (Member States) Group

Administrative history

CERN is an intergovernmental organization created and run by European States on the basis of its Convention which was signed on 1st July 1953 and revised on 17th January 1971.

  • Member States

CERN is run by its Member States. They contribute to the capital and operating costs of the CERN programmes, they are represented in the Council, and are responsible for all important decisions about the Organization and its activities. Only states and only European States may be Members of CERN. International organizations and national public or private institutions are excluded from membership. Currently (2004) the Member States are : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. 

  • Observers

This status is accorded to States or other bodies (International organizations and non-governmental organizations) which are invited to attend some meetings of the organizations and are informed about its activities, without taking part in the decision-making process or in its activities. Observer Status makes it possible to send an accredited observer to the sessions of the Council. The designated observer may not participate in the work of the subsidiary bodies (the Committee of Council, the Scientific Policy Committee and the Finance Committee) or of the Management. Currently (2004) Observers are : the European Commission, India, Israel, Japan, Russian Federation, Turkey, UNESCO and the USA. 

  • Non-Member States

This status is accorded to a State which cannot or does not want to become a Member. It gives the opportunity of developing closer relations with the organization, by participating in some its activities but with limited rights. Currently (2004) Non-Member States are : Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Georgia, Iceland, India, Iran, Ireland, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Peru, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan and the Ukraine. 

The Directorate Service Unit (DSU) provides administrative and technical support to the Director-General and the Directors.

The DSU groups report directly to the Secretary-General :

  • The main activity of the Non-Member States (NMS) Group consists in coordinating the relations between CERN and the Non-Member States, collecting and collating information on the particle physics efforts in each country for use by the Directorate, allocating funds for NMS physicists and specialists within the scientific programme and visiting the laboratories, Institutes and high-technology industries to establish useful contacts.
  • The main activity of the Member States (MS) group is to collect and assess information on particle physics and on research and research policy which may be relevant to particle physics in the Member States (its strength, emphasis, organization and funding).

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

Stéphanie Molinari, Directorate Services Unit (DSU) Division in February 2002

Content & Structure [Top]

Scope and content

This collection contains programs of visits, legal documents and agreements, general correspondance, and notes on diplomatic activity.

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling information

Nothing was destroyed.


Further accruals are expected.

System of arrangement

CERN-ARCH-DSU-DO-01-1-01 to 1-24 Relations with Member States files
CERN-ARCH-DSU-DO-01-2-01 to 2-28 Relations with Non-Member and Observer States files
CERN-ARCH-DSU-DO-01-3-01 to 3-02 Relations with Host States files
CERN-ARCH-DSU-DO-01-4-01 to 4-02 Chronofiles about Relations with Member, Non-Member, Observer and Host States
CERN-ARCH-DSU-DO-01-5-01 External Relations Group (ERG)

Conditions of access and use [Top]

Conditions governing access

See file level description and the CERN operational circular No 3: rules applicable to archival material and archiving at CERN. In general, records on any subject that are over 30 years old, and all records of a purely scientific nature, may be consulted.

Conditions governing reproduction

Copyright is retained by CERN, no reproduction without permission.

Language / scripts of material

Most of the material is written in English or in French.

Finding aids

Listed to file level in the CERN Archives Database.

Description control [Top]

Archivist's note

Description prepared by Sandrine Reyes

Date(s) of description

Geneva, the 12th July 2004, Revised 2007.